Nittany Fencing Admin

The Morris Cup

Congratulations to our fencers, Sadie McGraw on earning 8th place and Lucy Krasovitz earning 25th place in the Morris Cup Cadets Women Saber!

Classes Begin soon!!!

Our classes will have the same weekly schedule starting on January 3rd. Beginner Classes: Monday & Wednesday 5-6pm Advance Classes: Tuesday & Thursday 5:30-7pm Adult Classes: Wednesday 6-7pm

Duel of The East Coast

Nittany Fencing Academy kids are fencing in the “Duel Of The East Coast”. Good luck to all our fencers competing this weekend!!

Summer Camps at Nittany Fencing Academy

Our all day summer camps are coming soon, its a great opportunity to learn about fencing, play different games and spend time with friends. During practice kids will learn how to move in fencing position, attacks and defensive actions against attacks. Beside fencing we will play many games like indoor soccer, table football , table

Adult Fencing classes!!!

Adult Fencing Classes!!! Don’t stay at home and Join Us !!! On Wednesday 6:00 – 7:00 PM

Our new permanent location

We have opened up the Nittany Fencing Academy in the Nittany Mall.